00:00 | Start
01:00 | First Demand CO2 reduction February 2008
01:16 | The CO2 interest February 2009
01:58 | Ready for the Climate MCA Challenge 2013
02:27 | Common CO2 Emissions Projections Today
02:41 | Very rare negative emission forecasts
02:58 | Electricity demand for CO2 filtering (DAC) and splitting
04:38 | Development of photovoltaic world production since 1990
05:53 | Even my 1996 photovoltaic forecast was too low
06:50 | Electricity demand humanity, production of equipment, photovoltaic yield
08:35 | CO2 reduction per kWh of solar power decreases to 167 g
09:39 | Naive scenario by 2061: nature continues to absorb 20 Gt CO2 per year
10:26 | Change from -20 Gt to +20 Gt CO2 emission by nature with 1 Gt/a until 2092
11:11 | Change from -20 Gt to +30 Gt CO2 emission of nature with 2 Gt/a until 2135
11:35 | Change from -20 Gt to +40 Gt CO2 emission of nature with 2 Gt/a until 2135
12:12 | Carbon from the atmosphere compared to other materials
13:08 | Berlin InnoTrans 2018: carbon fiber subway train from China
13:51 | Electricity demand for CO2 handling
15:02 | Why DAC CO2 for plants, they have photosynthesis themselves?
15:21 | A similar problem to horses: too slow, no stamina
15:53 | Horses today are usually pulled in a trailer
16:16 | Study of a Vertical Gardening Aeroponic Glass House in Jordan
17:14 | Air exchange to bring 5 t of CO2 into the glasshouse for 3 t of plant growth
17:49 | The water loss due to evaporation
19:20 | CO2 DAC beats moisture recovery from exhaust air
20:35 | Electricity demand for planetary renovation order of magnitude over 100% renewable energy
22:22 | End