-250% CO2 emission until 350 ppm are reached again

Less CO2 emission is much too little, even zero emission is insufficient. Only a planet renovation with large-scale CO2 filtering and splitting from the atmosphere will help.

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Emissions in billions of tons CO2 equivalent per year.

  Dangerous downplaying of the climate catastrophe

The spectrum of climate change deniers ranges from “We don't have to do anything” to “We have to reduce CO2 emissions a little” to “It is enough to reduce humanity's emissions to zero”.

But there are thawing permafrost soils and outgassing methane hydrate. This is in addition to the emissions caused by humanity.

How does the CO2 absorption of forests and oceans develop? I hope -250% CO2 emission has sufficient safety reserves to bring the climate back to a safe state.

00:00 Start
01:00 First Demand CO2 reduction February 2008
01:16 The CO2 interest February 2009
01:58 Ready for the Climate MCA Challenge 2013
02:27 Common CO2 Emissions Projections Today
02:41 Very rare negative emission forecasts
02:58 Electricity demand for CO2 filtering (DAC) and splitting
04:38 Development of photovoltaic world production since 1990
05:53 Even my 1996 photovoltaic forecast was too low
06:50 Electricity demand humanity, production of equipment, photovoltaic yield
08:35 CO2 reduction per kWh of solar power decreases to 167 g
09:39 Naive scenario by 2061: nature continues to absorb 20 Gt CO2 per year
10:26 Change from -20 Gt to +20 Gt CO2 emission by nature with 1 Gt/a until 2092
11:11 Change from -20 Gt to +30 Gt CO2 emission of nature with 2 Gt/a until 2135
11:35 Change from -20 Gt to +40 Gt CO2 emission of nature with 2 Gt/a until 2135
12:12 Carbon from the atmosphere compared to other materials
13:08 Berlin InnoTrans 2018: carbon fiber subway train from China
13:51 Electricity demand for CO2 handling
15:02 Why DAC CO2 for plants, they have photosynthesis themselves?
15:21 A similar problem to horses: too slow, no stamina
15:53 Horses today are usually pulled in a trailer
16:16 Study of a Vertical Gardening Aeroponic Glass House in Jordan
17:14 Air exchange to bring 5 t of CO2 into the glasshouse for 3 t of plant growth
17:49 The water loss due to evaporation
19:20 CO2 DAC beats moisture recovery from exhaust air
20:35 Electricity demand for planetary renovation order of magnitude over 100% renewable energy
22:22 End

Music: Andy Mangele

Filtering and splitting CO2 from the atmosphere Filtering and splitting CO2 from the atmosphere
Due to their enormous space and water requirements, plants are unsuitable for the necessary reduction of the CO2 content in the atmosphere. There is no room for 37 million km² of growing forest.

390 PWh/year electricity for CO2 from the atmosphere 390 PWh/year electricity for CO2 from the atmosphere
Reduce the CO2 content with Power to Carbon, generate fuels with Power to Liquid and use CO2 for indoor plant cultivation to replace large-scale agriculture.

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If we filter the 33.1 Gt CO2 emission of 2019 from the atmosphere and split it into C and O, we get 9 billion tons of carbon. What to do with it?

IPCC Report 2021: “Net Zero Emissions” Fairy Tale and its Devastating Consequences IPCC Report 2021: “Net Zero Emissions” Fairy Tale and its Devastating Consequences
Constantly contradicting itself, the IPCC 2021 report adheres to the completely inadequate “net zero emissions” target. This can only be thinking prohibitions.

Green dogmatism and the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry Green dogmatism and the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry
How the dogma “the demand for electricity will decrease” led to extremely wrong targets, which led to the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry in 2013.

Why Germany is failing in the energy transition Why Germany is failing in the energy transition
In the first decade of the new millennium, Germany was the great role model in the energy transition, why, on the other hand, the current EEG policy leads to disaster.

Sri Lanka crisis 2022 example of oil exit failures Sri Lanka crisis 2022 example of oil exit failures
Hit hard by the breakdown in tourism caused by COVID-19, the higher price of oil comes as the next blow. The serious failures of the industrialized countries.

Destructive cult prevents functional energy transition Destructive cult prevents functional energy transition
A horror novel about a world without renewable energy and recycling delayed a workable energy transition and thus effective climate protection by decades.

Functional energy transition vs. German energy transition Functional energy transition vs. German energy transition
We have to denounce very hard the grotesque German energy transition in order to turn all the enemies of this grotesque into fans of a functional energy transition.

Paradigm changes – Profitability transitions – Culture shocks
We can neither achieve energy transition nor stop climate change if we do not constantly review all parameters and abandon unsuitable views.

          -250% CO2 emission until 350 ppm are reached again: Less CO2 emission is much too little, even zero emission is insufficient. Only a planet renovation with large-scale CO2 filtering and splitting from the atmosphere will help. https://climate.pege.org/

          The naive CO2 reduction fairy tales, a little less and all is well again. No! We need a planetary renovation with reduction to 350 ppm CO2! https://climate.pege.org/

          Of course, man has caused climate change with CO2 increasing from 280 to 420 ppm in the atmosphere. Worldwide wealth is the only way to do something about it. https://climate.pege.org/