Green dogmatism and the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry

How the dogma “the demand for electricity will decrease” led to extremely wrong targets, which led to the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry in 2013.

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Whenever an atmosphere of “researching about this is dangerous because the result could be undesirable” is created, a disaster is brewing. For 22 years, an effective design of the energy transition was held up by ideological dogma, and the German photovoltaic industry, which had just been painstakingly built up, thus became a victim of those who supposedly want an energy transition.

00:00 Start
00:14 Recknagel Sprenger pocketbook for heating and climate technology.
01:06 Renewable energy sources for thermal energy and electricity.
02:38 Plants for thermal energy have far too little yield per unit area.
02:53 Replacing thermal energy from fossil source with plants does not work.
03:33 Electric car instead of combustion engine Heat pump instead of combustion heating.
03:55 “Advance to the solar age” Start February 1992 Publication October 1993.
04:08 Electricity demand in D will increase from 500 TWh in 1990 to 1200 TWh in 2040.
04:37 November 17, 2007 an event of the “green economy” Salzburg.
05:14 The electricity demand of my 4-person household is 1600 kWh per year.
06:13 But I will be proud to increase this to 8000 kWh per year.
06:53 2009 Fatih Birol chief economist of IEA warns of global energy crisis.
07:44 Without success of US fracking industry, it would have happened.
08:04 There would otherwise be a shortfall of about 8 million barrels of oil on the world market.
09:53 “Solar building land” concept for Hans Josef Fell in 2013 Bundestag election campaign.
11:07 With veggie canteen food losses for the Greens.
11:26 "Calculation ERROR" page 394: 100% renewable energy for Germany.
12:22 Hans Josef Fell at the meeting of the Austrian-Bavarian solar initiatives.
12:42 in Salzburg on February 14, 2014: the demand for electricity will decrease.
13:17 January 22, 2015 almost 20 minutes phone conversation with Prof. Volker Quaschning.
14:44 January 20, 2016 an event of the “green economy” Salzburg.
15:55 June 20, 2016 study “Sector coupling through the energy transition”.
16:42 Thesis of “Advance to the solar age” is fully confirmed after 23 years.
17:40 Where could we be if this study had been 10, 20, 30 years earlier?
20:50 At what point are batteries and power to X necessary in photovoltaic expansion?
24:06 End

Music: Andy Mangele

  Chapter in the book Calculation ERROR

In the video, the chapter “100% renewable energy in Germany” is mentioned. This can be read in the book Calculation ERROR. Download PDF here

-250% CO2 emission until 350 ppm are reached again -250% CO2 emission until 350 ppm are reached again
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Ideologies and dogmas are a danger for the future of mankind. From the technical possibilities, worldwide wealth and a return to 350 ppm CO2 is possible.

Why Germany is failing in the energy transition Why Germany is failing in the energy transition
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We have to denounce very hard the grotesque German energy transition in order to turn all the enemies of this grotesque into fans of a functional energy transition.

          Green dogmatism and the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry: How the dogma “the demand for electricity will decrease” led to extremely wrong targets, which led to the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry in 2013.

          How the harmful, destructive ideology of shrinkage led to false goals that ultimately led to the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry.