Functional energy transition vs. German energy transition

We have to denounce very hard the grotesque German energy transition in order to turn all the enemies of this grotesque into fans of a functional energy transition.

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An overview of the history and dysfunction of Germany's energy transition, even including a study by the prominent Fraunhofer Institute that the shortcomings will persist even in 2050.

8 points in which a functional energy transition differs drastically from the German energy transition.

Plain and simple: photovoltaics without storage delivers flutter electricity, photovoltaics with electricity storage is a very reliable power supply. We have to fight the flutter electricity fans until they finally understand that storage is necessary.

By power storage, I mean the principle of photovoltaic ⇾ own demand and batteries ⇾ on-demand feed into the grid for day/night balancing and power to methane or methanol to CCGT power plant for summer/winter balancing.

00:00 Start
00:15 Draft 1998 to 2005 under SPD + Green coalition government.
02:16 Hans-Josef Fell 2014 meeting of Austrian-Bavarian solar initiatives.
02:34 The dogma of decreasing electricity demand
03:14 Green dogmatism and the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry
04:00 Hourly electricity prices from the day-ahead market with extreme differences
05:36 2050-04-13 11:00 40 GW electricity export - when electricity is very cheap
06:28 2050-10-22 14:00 37 GW electricity import - then when electricity is very expensive
07:22 Week 15 - Up to 190.07 GW Power to Heat
08:02 2050-04-17 13:00 251 GW deregulation
08:37 General attitude towards energy transition
09:36 Motivation for energy transition
11:30 Guiding vision and symbol for the energy transition
12:52 Guiding vision for people in the energy transition
14:28 The exit priorities
17:22 The differences between summer and winter?
19:50 How to optimize the operation of caloric power plants?
23:57 What will the world be like after the energy transition?
26:07 End

Music: Andy Mangele

-250% CO2 emission until 350 ppm are reached again -250% CO2 emission until 350 ppm are reached again
Less CO2 emission is much too little, even zero emission is insufficient. Only a planet renovation with large-scale CO2 filtering and splitting from the atmosphere will help.

Filtering and splitting CO2 from the atmosphere Filtering and splitting CO2 from the atmosphere
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390 PWh/year electricity for CO2 from the atmosphere 390 PWh/year electricity for CO2 from the atmosphere
Reduce the CO2 content with Power to Carbon, generate fuels with Power to Liquid and use CO2 for indoor plant cultivation to replace large-scale agriculture.

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Constantly contradicting itself, the IPCC 2021 report adheres to the completely inadequate “net zero emissions” target. This can only be thinking prohibitions.

Green dogmatism and the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry Green dogmatism and the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry
How the dogma “the demand for electricity will decrease” led to extremely wrong targets, which led to the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry in 2013.

Why Germany is failing in the energy transition Why Germany is failing in the energy transition
In the first decade of the new millennium, Germany was the great role model in the energy transition, why, on the other hand, the current EEG policy leads to disaster.

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Hit hard by the breakdown in tourism caused by COVID-19, the higher price of oil comes as the next blow. The serious failures of the industrialized countries.

Destructive cult prevents functional energy transition Destructive cult prevents functional energy transition
A horror novel about a world without renewable energy and recycling delayed a workable energy transition and thus effective climate protection by decades.

Paradigm changes – Profitability transitions – Culture shocks
We can neither achieve energy transition nor stop climate change if we do not constantly review all parameters and abandon unsuitable views.

  2022 Reports on climate change and necessary measures

Ideologies and dogmas are a danger for the future of mankind. From the technical possibilities, worldwide wealth and a return to 350 ppm CO2 is possible.

Green dogmatism and the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry Green dogmatism and the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry
How the dogma “the demand for electricity will decrease” led to extremely wrong targets, which led to the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry in 2013.

Why Germany is failing in the energy transition Why Germany is failing in the energy transition
In the first decade of the new millennium, Germany was the great role model in the energy transition, why, on the other hand, the current EEG policy leads to disaster.

Sri Lanka crisis 2022 example of oil exit failures Sri Lanka crisis 2022 example of oil exit failures
Hit hard by the breakdown in tourism caused by COVID-19, the higher price of oil comes as the next blow. The serious failures of the industrialized countries.

Destructive cult prevents functional energy transition Destructive cult prevents functional energy transition
A horror novel about a world without renewable energy and recycling delayed a workable energy transition and thus effective climate protection by decades.

          Functional energy transition vs. German energy transition: We have to denounce very hard the grotesque German energy transition in order to turn all the enemies of this grotesque into fans of a functional energy transition.

          Fluttering power and dark slack! Is a proponent of the energy transition allowed to use these words? He even has to, to criticize German Energy Transition fiercely in order to promote functional Energy transition.

          There are 2 types of energy transition, which differ from each other like day and windless night: functional energy transition versus German energy transition designed by ideologues.