Paradigm changes – Profitability transitions – Culture shocks

We can neither achieve energy transition nor stop climate change if we do not constantly review all parameters and abandon unsuitable views.

While the German heavy-carrying worriers are whining about too little lithium, the Chinese have been developing the sodium battery across the board. The leading battery manufacturers CATL and BYD are on board.

If there were no sodium batteries, in a few years, lithium from seawater would have been a solution.

  Profitability transition

A dramatic example of a viability transition is from the GEMINI inhabited solar power plant in 1992 to the GEMINI next generation house. What is the cheapest way to generate 30,000 kWh of solar power per year?

In 1992, the calculation was: 30 kW of south-facing photovoltaics are more expensive than 23 kW of sun-tracking photovoltaics plus a rotating mechanism. Around 2010, both variants were about the same price. Today, a rotating mechanism would be totally uneconomical because photovoltaics has become so much cheaper.

  Apartment block vs single family house

Once upon a time, in 1960, it was quite clear. Solar power was not even available for satellites, nor was solar heat. Let's take a huge apartment block and calculate surface area divided by living space. A lot of heat is lost in winter on the surface, which was extremely poorly insulated at the time. The result was absolutely clear: apartment block good, single-family house bad.

But in the meantime, very good thermal insulation and ventilation systems with heat recovery from exhaust air have been developed. Electricity is just becoming the single currency in all energy matters. Solar power is becoming the most important source of energy.

  Reversal apartment block evil, single family house good

Of course, this does not mean the old single-family house, as some suppliers still want to sell it, but new single-family houses according to the Building Standard KlimaSchutzÜberlegenheitsHaus. Less production effort, very much power generation per square meter of living space.

-250% CO2 emission until 350 ppm are reached again -250% CO2 emission until 350 ppm are reached again
Less CO2 emission is much too little, even zero emission is insufficient. Only a planet renovation with large-scale CO2 filtering and splitting from the atmosphere will help.

Filtering and splitting CO2 from the atmosphere Filtering and splitting CO2 from the atmosphere
Due to their enormous space and water requirements, plants are unsuitable for the necessary reduction of the CO2 content in the atmosphere. There is no room for 37 million km² of growing forest.

390 PWh/year electricity for CO2 from the atmosphere 390 PWh/year electricity for CO2 from the atmosphere
Reduce the CO2 content with Power to Carbon, generate fuels with Power to Liquid and use CO2 for indoor plant cultivation to replace large-scale agriculture.

Carbon fiber becomes standard material for construction Carbon fiber becomes standard material for construction
If we filter the 33.1 Gt CO2 emission of 2019 from the atmosphere and split it into C and O, we get 9 billion tons of carbon. What to do with it?

IPCC Report 2021: “Net Zero Emissions” Fairy Tale and its Devastating Consequences IPCC Report 2021: “Net Zero Emissions” Fairy Tale and its Devastating Consequences
Constantly contradicting itself, the IPCC 2021 report adheres to the completely inadequate “net zero emissions” target. This can only be thinking prohibitions.

Green dogmatism and the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry Green dogmatism and the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry
How the dogma “the demand for electricity will decrease” led to extremely wrong targets, which led to the destruction of the German photovoltaic industry in 2013.

Why Germany is failing in the energy transition Why Germany is failing in the energy transition
In the first decade of the new millennium, Germany was the great role model in the energy transition, why, on the other hand, the current EEG policy leads to disaster.

Sri Lanka crisis 2022 example of oil exit failures Sri Lanka crisis 2022 example of oil exit failures
Hit hard by the breakdown in tourism caused by COVID-19, the higher price of oil comes as the next blow. The serious failures of the industrialized countries.

Destructive cult prevents functional energy transition Destructive cult prevents functional energy transition
A horror novel about a world without renewable energy and recycling delayed a workable energy transition and thus effective climate protection by decades.

Functional energy transition vs. German energy transition Functional energy transition vs. German energy transition
We have to denounce very hard the grotesque German energy transition in order to turn all the enemies of this grotesque into fans of a functional energy transition.

  2023 Stop alarmists and doomsday sectarians

The solution of the climate crisis by going back to 350 ppm CO2 is feasible. But only if left-wing radical freeloaders, alarmists and enemies of civilization are stopped.

          Paradigm changes – Profitability transitions – Culture shocks: We can neither achieve energy transition nor stop climate change if we do not constantly review all parameters and abandon unsuitable views.