390 PWh/year electricity for CO2 from the atmosphere

Reduce the CO2 content with Power to Carbon, generate fuels with Power to Liquid and use CO2 for indoor plant cultivation to replace large-scale agriculture.

390 PWh/year electricity for CO2 from the atmosphere
Reduce the CO2 content with Power to Carbon, generate fuels with Power to Liquid and use CO2 for indoor plant cultivation to replace large-scale agriculture.

The first task of filtering CO2 from the atmosphere is already in the logo of this website: to process 50 billion tons of CO2 per year into useful carbon products. For this purpose, 300 PWh per year are planned.

Point 2 is also clear, airplanes for distances over 2,000 km will hardly be possible with batteries, as will ships for distances over 2,000 km. Filling the winter gap far from the equator with power to methanol and combined cycle power plants. For this purpose, 30 PWh for 5 Gt CO2 per year are planned.

  Surprise food production

It's getting drier. Large-scale agriculture requires vast quantities of chemicals to produce food in a highly inefficient way. Aeroponic Vertical Farming in a glasshouse creates competition with large-scale agriculture.

Plants need CO2 to grow. Plants take CO2 from the air and split it into C and O, the photosynthesis. Intensive growth in small rooms requires about a hundred times more air exchange than in living rooms.

In very hot dry areas, due to the climate catastrophe there will be a lot of very hot dry areas, a lot of water evaporates during the air exchange. Oh, there is far too little of that in very hot dry areas.

One could dehumidify the exhaust air from the greenhouse to recover the evaporated water. But with the enormous amount of exhaust air, this requires an incredible amount of electricity. The other method is almost no air exchange in the greenhouse and you bring CO2 directly into the greenhouse. With only 1.5 KWh/kg CO2, this method is more than one order of magnitude cheaper than air exchange with moisture recovery.

1.67 kg of CO2 per kg of plant growth is required, which would be 2.5 kWh for filtering from the air. At 700 to 800 ppm CO2, plants grow 30% faster.

This will require 60 PWh per year, which will filter 40 Gt CO2 from the atmosphere and allow 24 Gt of plant growth in Aeroponic Vertical Gardening greenhouses. This type of plant cultivation gets by with 98% less water.

A logical consequence of land will become more expensive, water will become more expensive, solar power will become much cheaper. An essential requirement for the 1000 m² per inhabitant society.

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          390 PWh/year electricity for CO2 from the atmosphere: Reduce the CO2 content with Power to Carbon, generate fuels with Power to Liquid and use CO2 for indoor plant cultivation to replace large-scale agriculture. https://climate.pege.org/electricity/